PHP SmartyPants’ Git Repository

The URL of this page is also the URL for interacting with the Git repository of the PHP SmartyPants project. With Git installed, you can create a local copy of this repository with the following command:

git clone

Once you've cloned the repository this way, a “php-smartypants” folder has been created and its content should reflect the latest update to PHP SmartyPants.

This clone of the PHP SmartyPants repository has one local branch (“master”) and two remote branches (“origin/master” and “origin/typo”). When cloned, the local branch “master” gets based on the remote branch “origin/master” on the server. If you wish to work with PHP SmartyPants Typographer instead of plain PHP SmartyPants, you can rebase your local branch on the remote “typo” branch:

git rebase origin/typo

You may also move directly to the remote branch with:

git checkout origin/typo

If you later wish to update local branch to the latest available version use:

git pull

Please note that the head of this repository may contain untested or unstable code from time to time, so be careful.

Refer to the Git documenation to learn more about using Git.